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Recovery Chronicles

Recovery Chronicles, 8th Edition: Serving Our Communities

Recovery Chronicles, 8th Edition: Serving Our Communities 600 754 Heyer Performance

How to Get Back to Serving Our Communities

In this deeply anxious time, we find ourselves reflecting on why we entered into this business in the first place. What makes it so vital to everyday living? Why should restaurants be relevant in a time where problems loom so much bigger than Taco Tuesday, daiquiri deliveries, or simple everyday pleasures?

We would love to hear from you – see what you want to achieve and how we may be able to help you with it.


Heyer Performance, Inc. – New York
111 John Street, Suite 2510
New York, NY 10038
Phone: 212.845.9553
Fax: 212.845.9927


© 2019 Heyer Performance, Inc.
Trademarks and brands are the property of their respective owners.

© 2019 Heyer Performance, Inc.
Trademarks and brands are the property of their respective owners.